I love getting happy mail. I love, love the anticipation of waiting for goodies I know are coming...it is the only time in my life I have patience. I love, love, love how on trend the supplies are; it makes my "job" so much easier. I really love to see the ingenuity of people like Sarah at The Paper Bakery who come up with these amazing kits each and every month.
Honestly, kits of the month dumbfound me (not hard right??). I feel like I know this industry fairly well, but the idea of putting together a kit of the month totally leaves me with that "stoooopid" look on my face and a completely empty head (BE NICE!). So each time I get a kit like this in the mail, I want to hug it and squeeze it and name it George! As soon as the package is in my hands, I lovingly pull out each item and give it what might be considered a pretty sick pat down. Yeah, I smell it (judgement free remember) and leave no piece of it untouched (dang, this blog just went all 50 Shades!!), all with a huge smile on my face. When I am done, I put it all back in the box, only to do it again when the hunger hits to touch paper (about an hour later :)) . I can only tell you this because if you are reading my blog, you too are a paper "HO"arder and lover of all that our paper needs to make it pretty.
I really, really, really, really want to join Sarah's Main Kit over at Paper Bakery too because I think her kits offer the most bang for the buck, but this girl is trying to budget and Big Poppa might lose his understanding, sweet nature if one more "of the month" anything gets delivered to this house. While I love doing Project Life Like, I have been having a blast doing some 12x12 layouts too. And 5 PLL kits a month might be a tad over the top (ya think??). Studio Calico may just have to go bye-bye so that I can do Sarah's Main Kit. In the grand scheme of things, SC's kits just don't have that attention to detail and they are seriously lacking in the customer service that Sarah offers without fail each and every month. I have heard a lot of the same rumblings among people who are also addicted to kit clubs. If you are on the fence about joining, I really encourage you to look at smaller kit businesses like The Paper Bakery.
Want to see why? I cannot be blamed for all the enabling that is about to happen up in here! If you are easily swayed and feeling weak, you may just want to stop reading right.......NOW. But just in case, here is the address of The Paper Bakery: http://www.paperbakerykits.com/ Tell Sarah I said HI!!
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Do we ever have enough Alphas? NEVER I say, NEVER! The more the merrier in my humble opinion. And these? Sarah couldn't have done a better job of matching them up with the sweet paper pad. The awesomeness is that these ABCs are of the size that can be used for both PLL and for 12x12 scrapping too.![]() OH yeah, worst photography ever seen on a blog! My apologies ya'll. I love my Samsung Note II but dang the camera is touchy. Anywho, these are a few of the sweet embellishments. I HEART enamel dots and flair too, especially for PLL. And how adorbs are those paper clips? I have never seen any quite so tiny but so completely bursting with CUTENESS. Once again, perfect match ups for the paper pad and PLL cards. ![]() This might be my favorite part of the kit (or I might just say that about every part of the kit). I am so excited and inspired by the colors but also by the blank canvas that the grid cards offer. While I love my PLL for being quick and easy, what I am really jonesing to do is create some of my own cards. This kit is perfect for that; the blanks and the 6x6 pad are just screaming. "PUT ME TOGETHER!!" ![]() Did you notice anything else on this stamp set BUT the push pin? I know, me too! That stamp set could have said just about anything and I would not have cared as long as that adorable push pin was in my hot little hands. I do love the whole set and am thrilled for its versatility for PLL. ![]() Don't know if I have ever mentioned my penchant for hoarding stamps. They do make me get all fidgety and hyperventilate. For health reasons (bwhahahahahaha), I had to add this on to my kit this month. It was some crazy price (way under $5 I think) and that whole "what HAPPENED?" stamp is the story of my life! Do I even need to say it? Girl, you know what I will be doing INSTEAD OF THE LAUNDRY!! I have a bajillion pics to scrap and stuff to put away from my last retreat (oh and I have to get ready for my next retreat), but those blank cards are calling me. Creativity, for me, is like exercise: I must do it each day in order to be a happier, healthier person. The laundry? Not so much. Sarah has lots of kits, not just the Capture 365 one, so please go show her some love. She can also be found on Facebook and Instagram! http://www.paperbakerykits.com/ https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Paper-Bakery/125167970901242 http://instagram.com/paperbakery |