(Keep in mind as you read this post that I am referring to my pocket page scrapping technique as "Project Life Like." The reasons are twofold: 1. "Pocket page scrapbooking technique" is just too damn long to repeat. 2. I have it from reliable sources that Becky H. is a pretty surly character. Since she has now trademarked the term "Project Life," I don't feel as if I can use it freely to sum up what I do because I don't exclusively use her product. It seems a sister is a force to be reckoned with when you start messing with where her bread is buttered and I have no intention of going against the Great and Powerful BH)
Okay, so as I have stated in past blogs (ehehhehehehhe, I can actually say "past blogs" and totally mean it!), I am on a Project Life Like kick/frenzy/shopping spiral that is spinning out of control. Because of that and my extreme CADD (Crafty Attention Deficit...squirrel!...Disorder :)), I have had to consider some organizational changes in my studio. BLEH! Just typing that sentence gets me all kinds of itchy and craving chocolate. However (she said while shoving a calamine lotion covered Snickers bar down her throat), because I kind of need to have all of the supplies handy while taking on the mammoth Project Life like project, I have run into a few snafus. I am generally NOT organizational challenged because if it ain't got a place, it gets gone (just ask my ex-husband). The problem, it seems, with my Project Life Like obsession is that I don't exactly know what I need (and YES, I have done a few layouts so don't even try to be all like "if you build it, it will come"), I have bought a lot of "shite (really?? There is no other word for it all)" for said project, and I want to do every technique known to the scrapping world when it comes to each and every pocket on each and every page (therefor I feel the need to also have every PL Like supply known to man at my disposal).
Another issue that gets me all in a tizzy is that I need to be portable. Well, I don't need to be portable but my Project Life Like supplies DO. As some of you know, I vendor at scrapbook retreats and attend day crops and scrapping girly weekends etc. When I go, I want to be able to grab a few large (HUGE) organized containers, my jammies and Big Poppa's credit card and be on my way. With my current set up, I am not so sure that can happen.
And it is not like I haven't done my homework...
I am on three Project Life Like Facebook groups. I watch every (EVERY) You Tube video that contains the words Project, Life or a combination of the two. I stalk/follow/pester the hell out of many of the bloggers that are infamous for PL. I pin the bejeezus out of any board that has ever showcased a 4x6 or 3x4 journal card on Pinterest.
Wanna see? Not the above paragraph because that, even to my ears, seems a bit overboard. Wanna see my Project Life Like organization SKILLZ?? And then give me some feedback or Martha's phone number or Organized Jen's personal home address for help too? Remember, this (like Weight Watchers) is a judgmement free zone....
(sorry for the glare off of the shiny painted cement floor) Say HI to Alex! HI ALEX!! Alex holds a few PL Liket necessities but is not my main squeeze by any means. From top to botom Alex contains 1. inks 2. alphabet and number stamps 3. my Cameo and Silver Bullet necessities 4. a few 6x6 pads I have deemed PL Like worthy but not card worthy 5. page protectors 6. stencils |
On top of Alex are a few PL Like necessities. Over to the extreme left is my little bag that contains my tiny trimmer, corner chomper, journaling pens, adhesive etc...definitely portable but not sure it contains all the basics I need. The 3 drawers are getting a bit stuffed which makes me worry because I don't know what else to put the stuff in. From top to bottom: 1. tiny boxes with brads, sequins, wood veneers, and all the other little doo-dads that come with PL LIke buying. 2. flat stickers and labels...the only time in my scrapping life I have ever loved stickers! 3. stamps that are specific for PL Like. That dandy blue tray on the top is empty. I put little embellies in it when I am planning my layouts and pockets. The green basket catches pictures and memorabilia that I plan to include in my PL Like spreads. |
I can't even begin to imagine where I got this little wire thingy (and that binder clip hanging so precariously uneven from it is driving me nuts as I type this). It holds legal file folders. In each folder, I have organized papers specific to PL Like. The front folder has cutouts and then they are arranged by color. In the back are PL Like collections (I just discovered these when they were on sale at Hobby Lobby and must say I like them very much). This bad boy is filling quickly however. And I know the answer peeps, so please no preaching....I know I should just stop buying and start using. But, if you are here it is probably because you have an addiction to paper too, so hopefully you get it. |
This is the biggest thorn in my side and I am hoping the CTMH organizer will help to contain this wild beast. These are all of the "kits" I have. As you can (kind of ) see, they are organized first by size and then by kit. So all my Honey BH PL core kit cards are together as are my various subscriptions etc. I find it very hard to dig through in finding things to coordinate because I don't like using the same collection. I like to mix it up and use my own artistic (heheheeh) eye to color coordinate my layouts. I have thought about rearranging them by color but that sends me into a complete panic because there is no going back once it is done. Not to mention, many of these cards are so colorful, it would be almost impossible to single out single colors to categorize them. I think these containers were meant to be used as ice cube bins in your freezer. At any rate, I got them in the kitchen organizing section of Target. |
These 3 drawers from Wal-Mart roll under one of my tables. It is the table I primarily use for PL Like layouts so it is kind of easy to get to. The mother load of cards pictured above sit in the bottom drawer and anchor it (literally). I know I can load this into my Jeep, with the smaller 3 drawer organizer that sits on Alex and my little black basics bag and take them on a crop. I could also throw in the blue file container and a few things from the drawers of Alex. |
The middle drawer houses my washi tape (that was once organized by color) and my alphabet stickers. I will say that the Thickers you see are NOT my full collection. I divvied them up and didn't allow for repeats so they would fit. The doubles and triples live in my storage room (along with A LOT of other "peats" and repeats") |
The top drawer still has some room (be still my beating heart). There are several smaller containers that keep my flair, sewing goodies, printables and items from cut files, little paper odd and ends, and non-sticker embellishments. |
Enough to make you all itchy too right? Like is your heart totally racing now because you so want to dig into my stash and fix it?? Well COME ON!! I will make you a cup of coffee, bring you a fabulous cupcake from Maxie B's and watch you work INSTEAD OF THE LAUNDRY! And YOU can organize until your hearts content instead of of doing your laundry too. But seriously, if you have suggestions, I would love, love, love to hear them. I am ordering a medium organizing plastic thingy from Close to My Heart from a friend which may help a wee little bit, but give me your awesome suggestions too!! As always, thanks for stopping by and reading my blog INSTEAD OF THE LAUNDRY!!
I think I could have written this post!! I too found the CTMH boxes and they are definitely my favorites. The mediums for core kits, the small for washi tape and the large for 6x6 paper pads and embellishments. They stack perfectly and prob hold everything I need but I still have about 6 thirty-one notes/ organizers that have stamps, punches, ink, embossing powders...you know...all those supplies you mentioned that you have to have to try a new technique but then I have to watch a YouTube video to figure out how to do it which then makes me go to another website to find something I don't have and then I find a blog, then 4 hours later the kids are yelling to help them find some clean pants!!
ReplyDeleteWell I am glad to hear that the CTMH boxes are winners. Now the question is do I start with one or go ahead and get 2. And it is funny you mention 31...the friend I have that is the CTMH rep is also a 31 rep. And yeah, I totally get what you mean about the time sucker known as YT and the computer in general. I really wish I just had a day to sit down and work on my PL but it never seems to work out that way or at least I never let it work out that way...mommy guilt and clean pants :)
DeleteYour gonna love the med. CTMH box for your core kits. Love this whole post just wildy funny but true to most of us. Yep the stickers were a no-no scrapping but love now for PL I got to use all those stickers I've got.
ReplyDeleteThanks Tina! I am looking forward to getting my CTMH box. I am just up in the air as whether or not to get one or two. Oh the dilemmas we scrappers have. And thanks so much for the "funny" compliment. I generally just write and never know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Oh and cheers to the sticker issue...I look at them in a whole new light thanks to PL.